Tuesday 22 October 2019

7 tips to boost your confidence if you are thin


How to boost your confidence if you are thin

Hey, there! I’m a student studying for graduation, and yah, I’m thin *-*. So I know your problems as being thin and most of thin guys/girls may have low confidence due to their thin body insecurity, so this post is for you guys. Let’s get started.



Believe in yourself, and just check out outside as you think you are thin their lots of people out there who are thin as well as you and me.
So don’t think that you are alone in this world who is thin. That only makes you more insecure, so shut that ridiculous thought out of your mind and enjoy your life.


Believe me, as my personal experience I can assure you that as being naturally thin isn’t mean that you have low strength, even my personal experience is that I have same strength and stamina as 5 to 10 kg more weight category than me.
If you are naturally thin and even eating more food isn't making you fattier, don’t worry you can compete with fattier peoples than you upto some limit.
If you are doing exercise at least 20 min every day, it will help you a lot. And if you are thinking to join gym to increase your muscle mass than you don’t have to burn your fat as you are already thin so you can directly pick diet to increase your muscle mass.


  Exercise is easier for you as mentioned above, you don’t have to burn your fat to increase your muscle but even if you don’t want to join gym just do small 15-20 min exercise at your home. Regular exercise improves your mood, immune system and makes you feel energized full day.
So by exercising like push ups, crunches and squats at home you can improve your physique, and by defeating your limits your insecurities about your thin body gets decrease and basically increases your confidence.


  Well if you are thin you think fitted clothes are make you look much thinner, yes they are; but know one thing that well fitted clothes psychologically make you think that, that clothes you are wearing is only fits you, it’s only made for you. So that thought (that cloth) makes you feel special and when you are special you have confidence. I know if you are thin and tall also, there are very small chance that ready made clothes fit you perfectly, so my suggestion to you is tailor them, which is also increases your confidence because tailored clothes are only made for you.
Also don’t just let your sleeves to come till your wrists if you are wearing long sleeve shirts or tee-shirts, curl them up upto your elbow and show your arms.
If you still have insecurity to wearing fitted clothes and want to show yourself as fattier on some occasions, then try out layering, on winters you can try out thick jacket or sweater but it should be thick but also well fitted. On some party occasions you can try thick material suit or blazer to increase your width and show you fattier than before.


Well here is good news for you if you are naturally thin and even excessive eating for months doesn’t end up increasing your weight and fat, then their might be chance that you have good metabolism system which doesn’t let your body to increase bad fats. So you can eat unhealthy food quite often then fatty persons.
But as you know anything excessive is harmful no matter how good it is. So, stay in limits and feel good to food lovers.


Smile, when everything is alright smile, when everything goes wrong just smile, smile is not just and gesture it’s an emotion of showing that you are happy and strong enough to show it publically.
A smile from your loved ones can change your day and make your boring, tired day into happy energized day. So smile often and when other side also response with smile it increases your happiness and confidence in yourself.


Just forget about your insecurity of you thin body and be yourself, don’t compare yourself with others after all you are only one piece in this whole universe.
Yes, you are unique and different, and even if someone thinks you are not fit as you are thin, then why should you worry, in this universe, out of millions of galaxies, out of millions of stars in each, and out of many planets, on one planet, that people out of 7 billion people’s opinion, does that should bother you? Not at all.
So be yourself, remember outer body’s beautifulness can be taken and copied but beauty of inner self can’t be taken. So clear up your mind and review this tips mentioned above. After all there is no one like you.


pictures taken from pixabay.com
this content is my own point of view and if this content harms you by any means, I apologize for that.  

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